
The No-Fuss Guide For Your Kids’ First Day Of School

Tired of fussy kids on a school day? Here’s how to get (or try to get) them to attend their first day of school without a fuss.

Besides eating vegetables and making them sleep early, dragging kids out of bed to attend school is the next battle parents need to fight every morning. It’s also tempting to just scream at them so they’ll get up, especially when there are other things to be done. For all kids within the age range, this is what helped many parents on the first day of school.

Grab them a breakfast they’ll enjoy.

Nothing motivates a kid to get up for their first day of school like food. Sometimes, it may mean grabbing some chicken nuggets from McDonald’s or a Peach Mango Pie from Jollibee. But it gets them up and motivates them. College kids will probably appreciate a shot glass full of cold brew coffee in the morning especially after pulling an all-nighter.

Let them decide their outfit.

Fashion is what kept our teens sane and it’s what will also keep school from being mundane. College kids, especially freshmen, will take the time to match their outfits to make a good “first impression” on their first day of school. It may seem strange to parents but that changes when they become juniors and seniors. Some of them just go to school in a hoodie or their comfy shirt, shorts, and flip-flops. Some even go in their pajamas!

Private schools are a little more stringent but that doesn’t mean they can’t style. A bracelet, a wristband made of hair ties, or a watch ought to do the trick.

Have their playlist ready.

Yes, younger generation music can sound like ungodly noise but it helps them get up. Music is known to influence the listeners’ mood, eventually conditioning their responses to certain things. If the kids love head-banging to heavy metal first thing in the morning, it’s not to irritate anyone. Some music offers a cathartic experience to let kids work out their bad moods before exposing themselves to another situation. Some music even inspires them the same way a war cry does in a battle.

Let them have an extra-curricular activity.

Sometimes, kids are more motivated to attend their clubs than their own classes. Extra-curricular or co-curricular activities boost their motivation because it’s something different for them. Rather than just dying of boredom via class lectures, they at least get to try something else.

Don’t worry! They’ll be fine!

It’s usually the parents who have separation anxiety, not the kids during the first day of school! Unfortunately, kids end up mirroring a parents’ feelings which can make it look like they’re anxious. While bringing them to school, chant a mantra in one’s mind, “They’re going to be fine. Whatever happens, there’s always a solution to that problem”. Kids will eventually pick up the vibe and they won’t feel too anxious.

Let them sleep in the car.

A few extra minutes to catch some z’s help people become more vigilant and alert. Studies proved that a 10-20 minute power nap helps rejuvenate people without the sleepy feeling side effect. However, more active individuals may sometimes prefer a 45-minute one. Especially if they’re athletes or members of the student council.

Pack a brightly-colored, healthy lunch.

Some schools do have that culture where kids are bullied when their lunch doesn’t look like the “typical” kids’ lunch. But to keep them on the healthy side and out of a bully’s way, keep the vegetables as brightly colored as possible. Choose vegetables like squash, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, corn, and even tomatoes to keep things brightly lit and healthy. Some moms even trained their kids early to go plant-based or vegan during the pandemic.

Besides, healthy lunches keep the other kids from stealing their food. “Eww, Broccoli!” as many would say.

Pick them up from school on time when school ends.

A good first day of school starts and ends well. It pays to be at least 30 minutes early — traffic-wise — when picking up kids from school. It allows them to get a head start on their homework and more time to rest at home.

Don’t worry if the fights and fuss last for a week, not every kid adapts to change easily. But with a little patience and communication, it’ll make the first day or week of school easier to deal with. Good luck!

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